Lying peacefully in the warm water, and listening to soft music.
Lying peacefully in the warm water, and listening to soft music in the backgrounds makes the birth easier, with water softening the skin around the vagina and relaxing the mother. The baby is likely to be born in less time and less traumatised.
The newborn addition to humanity the very second it is born,
The newborn addition to humanity the very second it is born, at the Henri Serruys Hospital, Oostende, in the clinic of Dr Ponette.
The baby lying in swaddling clothes, waiting for the nurse to tidy up the umbilical cord.
The baby lying in swaddling clothes, waiting for the nurse to tidy up the umbilical cord. The mother is still being looked after by Dr Ponette and her partner.
As mum kisses her child, dad just can’t believe the miracle heí s just witnessed.
As mum kisses her child, dad just canít believe the miracle heís just witnessed.
The circle of life: pregnant women at a pre-natal swimming course
The circle of life: pregnant women at a pre-natal swimming course, during which they learn to be familiar with the water into which they will later give birth. Here, the lesson is breathing and movement exercises.
Babies, too, can swim very well in this waterworld.
Swimming exercises arenít just beneficial for pregnant mothers-to-be. Babies, too, can swim very well in this waterworld.
Seconds after birth, the doctor reaches into the water to pick the newborn out of the warm water.
Seconds after birth, the doctor reaches into the water to pick the newborn out of the warm water, pleasant surroundings to be born into. The umbilical cord, still intact, can be seen.
Pregnant mothers-to-be and their partners during a pre-natal course
Pregnant mothers-to-be and their partners during a pre-natal course. Again, learning how to move in water whilst pregnant is the exercise. The partners help the women in these exercises and the two of them can share the entire experience.
Dr Ponette helps deliver the baby in the plexi-glass birthing tub.
Dr Ponette helps deliver the baby in the plexi-glass birthing tub. Here, the head of the newborn can already be seen.
The happy couple welcoming their new child
The happy couple welcoming their new child, who is picked out of the plexi-glass tub water by Dr Ponette.
The baby making its way into a world that is not that different from the one just left behind.
Out you come! The baby making its way into a world that is not that different from the one just left behind, making the transition from gestation to birth a little easier.
Before the mother steps into the birthing tub for the actual birth, she relaxes in the small pool at the Henri Serruys Hospital.
Before the mother steps into the plexi-glass birthing tub for the actual birth, she relaxes in the small pool, in order to facilitate the eventual birthing process. Henri Serruys Hospital.
Giving Birth the Natural Way
Underwater birthing is becoming increasingly popular in Holland and elsewhere as theories about ‘natural’ birthing take hold. I focused on a small group of pregnant women who opted for a water birth and follow their progress through to the final hour, the final push.