Riding the waves with a 240 horse-power engine
Riding the waves with a 240 horse-power engine makes for a bouncy time.
The RIB bringing supplies to one of the oil rigs
The RIB bringing supplies to one of the oil rigs in the North Sea.
Rolf van Ditmars, one of the Distel entrepreneurs
Rolf van Ditmars, one of the Distel entrepreneurs. Before setting up Distel, he worked for the Dutch merchant navy, chartered a sail clipper and worked for 15 years in the offshore industry.
Life on board never gets boring
Life on board never gets boring.
A race from the Dutch to the English coasts
A race from the Dutch to the English coasts. These RIBs have a top speed of 42 nautical miles per hour.
Stevin Blok, one of the two owners of Distel
Stevin Blok, one of the two owners of Distel, checking the spare fuel canisters.
Delivering people in the last light of day
Delivering people in the last light of day.
Going out of the harbour towards open sea
Going out of the harbour towards open sea.
Three of the rig’s crew
Three of the rig’s crew, bundled up to protect them from the elements.
Breaking the waves at high speeds
Breaking the waves. When taken at high speeds, waves act like walls.
Stevin Blok ready to go off board
Stevin Blok, one of the two owners of Distel.
Holding tight on the open seas
Holding tight on the open seas.
The sea couriers at work on the open sea
The sea couriers at work on the open sea.
Rolf van Ditmars looks out to sea
Rolf van Ditmars looks out to sea.
Bidding the Fogo Isle goodbye
Bidding the Fogo Isle goodbye.
Rolf van Ditmars looks out to sea
Rolf van Ditmars, one of the Distel entrepreneurs.
Two RIBs racing each other on a deceptively calm sea
Two RIBs racing each other on a deceptively calm sea.
Approaching an oil rig with a passenger
Approaching an oil rig with a passenger.